Field Trials
Airlift pump technology offers a sustainable solution for aquaculture systems. This will be achieved by using the airlift pumps for a simultaneous water circulation and aeration in these systems using a single device. This novel technology offers the advantages of being simple and yet enable high flow rates, high head and high efficiency with lower capital, operation and maintenance costs and noise and vibration pollution compared to the centrifugal pumps commonly used by aquaculture operations. In comparison with available airlift pumps, the current technology utilizes both radial and axial air injections to enhance the pump performance using a patented dual air injector. The performance characteristics of the pump prototype was experimentally evaluated in the Fish Nutrition Research Laboratory. The new design of the pump found to significantly reduce the total energy consumption in the recirculating aquaculture system compared to a system operating by conventional pumps (50-70% of energy savings). Successful field tests have demonstrated the inherent advantages of the new technology to several aquaculture facilities across Ontario, East Asia and South America.