I am hiring undergraduate research assistants from University of Guelph to work in several projects funded by industry. Students will be conducting research and engineering work in the areas of energy, water and food. Students with mechanical, systems, computing and electrical background are welcome to apply. UoG students are encourage to check the student financial website for specific positions posted under work study program.
I am always hiring graduate students to work toward their MSc. or PhD degree in the area of multiphase flow analysis for energy, water and food applications. Applicants should have a strong background in the thermo-fluid area with BSc/MSc degree in Mechanical Engineering. Experience with conducting experimental research is mandatory. Candidates should email a short letter of research interest including their skills and experience, CV and the names of three references to Dr. Wael H. Ahmed (ahmedw@uoguelph.ca ).
Please do not have reference letters sent unless requested.
Applicants should put “MultiFE Lab" PhD/MSc position” in the subject of their email.