Welcome to the MultiFE Lab website. In the MultiFE lab we focus on conducting leading-edge research to analyze different multiphase flows for energy, water and food applications. Therefore, we have developed many experimental and analytical capabilities in order to characterize different engineering systems for these applications. In order to understand multiphase flow, you can consider the simultaneous flow of two or more immiscible liquids or liquids and gases or solids in a flow passage as examples. This type of flow takes place in a wide spectrum of engineering applications such as food production, power generation, water treatment, oil production, water desalination, refrigeration and air conditioning, as well as in carbon capture and sequestration systems. In order to achieve both sustainability and high efficiency of the processes involved in these systems, accurate prediction of thermofluids performance is required. Our lab aims at providing reliable solutions for or many industrial problems and new technologies that can make engineering systems more efficient and sustainable. Also, as an educator, I consider interacting with students is one of the most rewarding aspects of the academic environment. Therefore, both graduate and undergraduate students are trained in this lab to apply thermofluids fundamentals, while fostering their skills of solving real engineering problems.

- Wael Hassan Ahmed ​
